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Tips & Tricks

Like our name suggests, we have super-useful tips and tricks to help you with design projects, 3D production, vehicle wrapping and more. We also provide some excellent small business set-up and marketing advice as well as practical tips and tricks about our Roland DG software, print machinery and 3D milling products.
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How to Generate a Flood of White for the BY-20 Using FlexiDESIGNER VersaSTUDIO Edition

This Quick Tip from Roland DGA’s Product Manager of Digital Print, Daniel Valade, outlines the steps that BY-20 users can take in FlexiDESIGNER VersaSTUDIO Edition to generate a flood of White ink behind the CMYK portion of graphics. By following this simple process, users can achieve optimum opacity and ensure that colors transferred to the final substrate are as bright and vibrant as possible. We encourage you to share this helpful Quick Tip with your BY-20 customers.

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