Knowledge Base Article
VersaUV LEF-200 20" UV Benchtop Flatbed Printer
Image is split into pieces when adjusting table size in Versaworks. when table size is readjusted to fit artwork, image remains broken into pieces on artboard
Image is split into pieces when adjusting table size in Versaworks. when table size is readjusted to fit artwork, image remains broken into pieces on artboard
In Versworks using an LEF-300 - image is loaded into Versaworks, table size is adjusted to reflect media size.
If size entered is smaller than artwork, even by .01", the image will be broken into smaller pieces and placed onto smaller tables in the layout, showing the CustomCut feature.
If the table size is then readjusted to a larger table size to fit the image, it will adjust the size of each board that has appeared, and will not create the single table as is desired.
To make the table+image one piece again:
- Adjust table size values to correct size - can be exact measurement of artwork or more
- Go to Clip and Tile tab
- Select "Number of Tile", make sure values are 1x1
- Go back to the Layout tab
April 08, 2020