Conocimientos y Experiencia en Marketing | Roland DGA | Blog
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Conocimientos y Experiencia en Marketing

Independientemente de que usted ya esté administrando un negocio de diseño gráfico, una imprenta o un laboratorio dental, o simplemente esté empezando con su propia empresa, tenemos algunos artículos extremadamente útiles para ayudarle en el complicado sector del marketing. Escritas por algunos de los más importantes miembros del departamento de marketing de Roland, las siguientes entradas de blog incluyen todo desde consejos para viajes de conferencias hasta entretenidos videos.

Vote for Roland DG!

Here in the US, the 2012 elections are almost a year away, but you can vote for Roland DG right now in what will also undoubtedly be a hotly contested race. Don’t worry, I’ll never use this space to discuss politics, but Roland DG products have been nominated for the 2012 Wide Format Imaging Readers’ Choice Top Product Awards in 5 categories.

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Customer Testimonials

Everyone loves a good story. Which is why whenever we’re not launching new products, we try to feature our customers’ work in our advertising and public relations. It’s our belief that seeing and reading about what a customer has done with their Roland DG inkjet, vinyl cutter, engraver or milling machine is far more engrossing and believable than us tooting our own horn.

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What’s Your Secret Sauce?

Back when I was in high school, our favorite burger joint advertised its secret sauce. Whatever it was made from, it gave their burgers a decidedly different taste than other hamburgers. Today, marketers often talk about successful brands having a “secret sauce” – and they’re not talking about fast food. For Apple, their secret sauce is not only inventing groundbreaking products, but packaging them in a way that is simplistic to the point of seeming obvious. As Jonathan Ive, Apple chief designer says, “It feels almost inevitable.”

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Seeing Into The Future

I recently sat down with Tom Tetreault from Digital Output Magazine at ISA and talked about our outlook on the industry. While only parts of this interview are incorporated into the publication’s “State of the Industry” article series, I thought I’d share the entire interview here

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Meanwhile in Japan: New Product R&D

Roland DG is a Japanese company. While the name doesn't sound like it, it actually is. Our counterparts in Japan come over to Roland DGA's territory for shows and meetings with us fairly often, but a once or twice a year I head over to Hamamatsu Japan for meetings and to get the latest on new products in our pipeline. This time, we sent our sales, product management and field engineering teams over to have them see, first-hand, what R&D is working on and what we have coming. There's no way for me to translate every product detail or the excitement the engineers have for our products when I visit, so it's important for them to see it for themselves.

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700x400 Dummy

Grandes Éxitos

Esta es la época del año en la que todos parecen tener una lista: mejores libros, mejores películas, e incluso los mejores perros vestidos de las celebridades... bueno, usted ya se hizo una idea. Muchas de estas listas parecen bastante arbitrarias, pero me hicieron reflexionar sobre el año pasado y darme cuenta de que estuvimos bastante ocupados.

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