Customer Testimonials
News Views & How-To's

Customer Testimonials

Everyone loves a good story. Which is why whenever we’re not launching new products, we try to feature our customers’ work in our advertising and public relations. It’s our belief that seeing and reading about what a customer has done with their Roland DG inkjet, vinyl cutter, engraver or milling machine is far more engrossing and believable than us tooting our own horn.

To celebrate our 30th anniversary, we decided to show off our customer’ work. Accordingly, we recently launched the Roland DG Creative Awards, a worldwide competition with the chance to win one or more valuable prizes, including a Roland DG device and a trip to Japan. Entries are being added daily

For more examples of case stories, you can visit our online Gallery, R-World — our international e-newsletter, our Facebook pages, or our Creative Center.

If you’re proud of your work and would like to share it, I’d love to hear from you. Please email photos and a short description to

Patrick Kersey

Patrick Kersey

Patrick Kersey es el Director de Relaciones Públicas Globales de Roland DGA. Su carrera incluye más de 35 años en marketing tanto para agencias de publicidad como para clientes finales. Él es además un reconocido autor con varias obras publicadas.