Vote for Roland DG!
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Vote for Roland DG!

Here in the US, the 2012 elections are almost a year away, but you can vote for Roland DG right now in what will also undoubtedly be a hotly contested race. Don’t worry, I’ll never use this space to discuss politics, but Roland DG products have been nominated for the 2012 Wide Format Imaging Readers’ Choice Top Product Awards in 5 categories.

The nominations are:

Ink: ECO-UV S stretch ink for the VersaUV series

Media: Glossy Backlit Film and Matte Backlit Film for ECO-Sol Max

Output Devices – Flatbed Printer: VersaUV LEJ-640

Output Devices – Hybrid Printer: VersaUV LEJ-640

Output Devices – UV printer (24-95 inches): VersaUV LEJ-640

If you love your Roland DG vote for us here: If you haven’t heard about these great new products yet, or need more information about any of them, just hit the links, or ask your question in the comments.

Thanks for your support.

Andrew Oransky

Andrew Oransky

Andrew es Presidente de Roland DGA y tiene una amplia experiencia en todos los aspectos de estrategia y ejecución de desarrollo empresarial. Como experto en campañas integrales incluyendo seminarios en línea, redes sociales y marketing Web, él brinda un amplio conocimiento sobre la industria de la impresión y los productos Roland DG.