Base de conocimientos Article
Error "101D-0010"
Error "101D-0010" The cleaning tool cannot be released.
Cause #1
The returning of the cleaning tool failed. The inside of the collet or the ATC magazine might be dirty.
The collet and cleaning tool are affixed together and cannot be separated. The inside of the collet might be dirty.
Retighten the collet.
Refer to User Manual P. 71 "Retightening the Collet".
If the Error Occurs Again
The collet may be deformed. In this case, replace the collet.
Refer to User Manual P. 62 "Situations Requiring Part Replacement"
The returning of the cleaning tool failed. The inside of the collet or the ATC magazine might be dirty.
- Hold down the operation button on the built-in panel.
- This will clear the error.
- Click [Open collet] in VPanel.
- The collet will open.
- Refer to User Manual P. 14 "Maintenance Tab".
- The collet will open.
- Remove the cleaning tool.
- Clean the ATC magazine.
- Refer to User Manual P. 59 "Cleaning after Milling Finishes".
The collet and cleaning tool are affixed together and cannot be separated. The inside of the collet might be dirty.
Retighten the collet.
Refer to User Manual P. 71 "Retightening the Collet".
If the Error Occurs Again
The collet may be deformed. In this case, replace the collet.
Refer to User Manual P. 62 "Situations Requiring Part Replacement"
April 10, 2020