Article | Roland


How to Uninstall VersaWorks 6
Steps to uninstall VersaWorks 6.
Uninstalling VersaWorks 6
  1. Go to Start > Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features > Uninstall or Change a Program.
  2. Select VersaWorks > Uninstall.
  3. Select Profile Package > Uninstall.
  4. Delay the restart (if it asks you to restart) so you can delete the following folders:
    1. Go to This PC > Local Disk/C: Drive > Prograpm Files > VersaWorks - Delete this entire folder.
    2. Go to This PC > Local Disk/C: Drive > Program Data* > Roland DG VersaWorks - Delete this entire folder.
  5. Restart your computer.
Note: If you cannot see the ProgramData folder, go to the View tab and check the box next to Hidden Items. 
June 15, 2021