Technical Support for
VersaUV LEC2-640S 64" Flatbed UV Printer
VersaUV LEC2-640S 64" Belt-Driven Hybrid UV Printer
VersaUV LEC2-640S 64" Flatbed UV Printer
VersaUV LEC2-640S 64" Belt-Driven Hybrid UV Printer
Soporte Técnico Para
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Búsqueda LEC2-640S Documents & Knowledge Base Articles
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Application & Workflow Guides ( 1 )
What is Generic Distant 2 and how does it work?
15.77 MB
Application Resources ( 1 )
Test result of Adhesion Promoter or Primer for VersaUV printers
486.30 KB
Driver ( 1 )
Windows 10
NEW: Generic Distance 2 mode for LEC2 S-Series Printers
205.71 MB
Firmware Updates ( 4 )
Firmware for LEC2-330 and LEC2-640 Series Printers (both roll and flatbed versions)
5.40 MB
This zip file contains firmware for LEC2-330 & LEC2-640 UV printers. Zip file also includes updater application, Firmware file and instructions on installation
5.58 MB
This zip file contains firmware for LEC2-330 & LEC2-640 UV printers. Zip file also includes updater application, Firmware file and instructions on installation
5.59 MB
LEC2-330_640 FW v2.20 for both the standard printer and the flatbed S version
5.59 MB
MSDS ( 2 )
Owner & User Manual ( 3 )
LEC2-S 330-640 User's manual. End-user guide for the operation of the VersaUV LEC2-S series printers
45.01 MB
Training Videos ( 3 )
This video will show you how to set up the Rotary rack for printing
165.23 MB
Installing Rotary Rack Framing system to the CO/LEC2-S Gantry
47.29 MB