VersaUV LEF-200 20" UV Benchtop Flatbed Printer
Printer does not recognize a new ink cartridge or customer has a faulty ink cartridge that causes printing issues.
Bad or expired lot.
Locate the lot number to verify manufacturing date or see if it is a recalled lot number. There are 2 barcodes on the ink cartridge label. The barcode with the lot number is on the LEFT side of the label.
For UV inks, it is on the bottom left corner of the label.
For eco-solvent inks, look on the bottom of the cartridge.
The first 4 digits represent the manufacturing date. The first number is the last digit of the manufacturing year, i.e. 3 for 2013. Next in line is the manufacturing month, and that can be designated by a number or letter. 1 to 9 represents January to September, A is October, B is November, and C is December. The next 2 digits is the day, and the last set of numbers is the serial number. In the second picture, the Eco-Sol Max 2 ink lot number starts with 3204. That means that it was made on February 4, 2013.
Shelf life for UV inks is 12 months and 24 months for eco-solvent inks.