Article | Roland
Knowledge Base Article

DWX-53DC Dry Dental Milling Machine

[1022-****][The % milling bur was not found.]
[1022-****][The % milling bur was not found.]
[1022-****][The % milling bur was not found.]

[%] indicates a milling bur stocker number from [1] to [16].

Situation/Error Cause 1
The milling bur has not been set or it may have been set on an incorrect stocker number.

1. Load the milling bur in the correct position again.
2. Clearing Errors
• If the error occurred during milling
Click [Continue] in the error display window in VPanel.
Milling will resume.
• If the error occurred while the machine was on standby
Click [OK] in the error display window in VPanel.
This will clear the error.
Situation/Error Cause 2
There is a possibility that the ATC magazine is out of position. Perform automatic correction.
P. 85Correcting the Milling Position
If the Error Occurs Again
The collet may have worn out. Replace the collet. If the error occurs again even after you replace the collet, replace the spindle
P. 100Replacing Consumable Parts
September 14, 2022